For every major car company, expanding a market means discovering
new and unique ways to connect with customers. Marketing experts work to align
dealers with contemporary, even edgy, ways to communicate their brand to the
broader global market.
Today's economy is causing some unusual alliances to form - namely
car dealers and broadly viewed and loved singers with already established
branding that matches the energy and design of the new model of car.
Well-Branded Singers Perform Globally for the Car Industry
Katy Perry, for instance, is loaning her bubble-gum and
whipped-cream image to Infiniti and lending them her lungs in peppy,
catch-me-if-you-can performances designed to entice. She is scheduled to
perform "Teenage Dream," "Roar," and
–Interestingly, Infiniti is a Japanese company. It has its Nissan
headquarters in China, and Katy Perry is performing her
"advertisements" in the Olympic Stadium on stage in Beijing!
She is the main attraction for the 2014 Infiniti China Brand
Festival. There is a lot of buzz about the focus of their new local cars and
high-technology roll-out with demonstrations rumored to be part of the show
scheduled for January 11, 2014.
Michael Bolton Beats Katie Perry into the American Car Markets
This is clearly a global trend. Michael Bolton paved the way for
Katie in the U.S. car markets by setting his example with Honda. He did this by
agreeing to the Happy Honda Days campaign, which includes a large handful of TV
spots featuring holiday tunes like "Snow is Gonna Blow, Blow, Blow."
Bolton will be aired in fantastic Christmas settings over cable,
network, and spot TV
during Duck Dynasty, The Amazing Race, Modern Family, The
Voice, Big Bang Theory, and others. New advertising trends have now
been launched, including high-impact digital displays, pre-roll, and mobile.
All of this is in addition to the more traditional use of national radio and
national print media such as People Magazine, USA Today, and Sports
From November 18 through November 22, 2013, people were
encouraged to Tweet, Instagram, Facebook, or Vine a holiday
message to their friends, family members, and other loved ones by
using the recipient 's name and hashtag #XOXOBolton.
On Friday November 22, Michael Bolton delivered an ultimate
holiday greeting by incorporating select #XOXOBolton messages into
one-of-a-kind musical greeting cards. These utilized personalized videos
featuring Bolton singing from inside a giant holiday card.
Toyota Goes With Rock Star Status - A Japanese Singing Cartoon
Toyota has also launched a famous singer to the forefront of their
new campaign. This one is designed to promote the new Corolla. Using augmented
reality and QR codes, Toyota has based the new campaign on Hatsune
Miku, a computer-generated pop star.
This project is designed to feature the car while introducing the
virtual singer to the American people. In addition to sponsoring a concert
for Hatsune
Miku in the U.S., Toyota has also created a QR code-based mobile
program offering users augmented reality experiences.
It is believed that this will serve to encourage users to visit
the social media platforms as well as the Toyota Corolla website. The first
virtual concert occurred on September 16, 2011.
Besides the fact that the attraction of Hatsune Miku requires
generating fans, the purpose of the mobile campaign is also intended to make it
possible for the experience to be shared.
Along with the Hatsune Miku concert in California, the augmented
reality experience connected to the virtual pop icon has also been launched by
Even Volkswagen Turns To Tunes and Cartoons
Not one to be outdone, Volkswagen used augmented reality to launch
(quite literally) the newest Beetle. A whole new series of augmented reality
billboards are bringing the car to life all around the world on both
smartphones and tablets. Consumers have begun an unexpected level of
engagement with the new car.
Regardless of whether you love the 1980s music videos or hate
them, it's difficult to argue over the best videos of the decade. That would be
A-Ha's "Take on Me," the rotoscoped pencil-sketch live-action
animation mix. Original and catchy, with a dash of super-memorable.
Volkswagen never forgot it either. They used the same gist in the
company's new "Feeling Carefree" commercial. Once it was posted on
YouTube, it immediately racked up over 275,000 views. The ad obviously pays
homage to the original video, beginning with a few seconds from the opening of
A-Ha's video, featuring the start of a car race. Naturally, in this latest
version, the Volkswagen Passat plunges forward to win the race. And, of course,
for the grand finale, the happy singing winner is met at the finish line by a
twirling Bunty Bailey-looking young woman.
The evidence is in: Whether it be singing about whipped cream and
candy or belting holiday songs to virtual masses, popular singing big-screen
experiences really sell cars.
Chris Countey is a digital marketer and car enthusiast who writes
about a variety of car brands including Infiniti vehicles
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